Optical Fiber

Quais as vantagens das fibras ópticas sobre os cabos de cobre?

Os cabos “pares trançados” e os cabos coaxiais estão rapidamente sendo substituídos por fibras ópticas por diversas razões, veja abaixo algumas delas: Através das fibras ópticas, um sistema de comunicação possuirá uma maior capacidade de transmissão de informação ou largura de banda (largura de banda é uma medida da capacidade de uma fibra óptica transmitir […]

Optical Fiber

فیبر نوري مقدمه

فیبر نوري یکی از محیط هاي انتقال داده با سرعت بالا است که از پالس هاي نـور بـراي انتقـال داده هـا از طریق تارهاي سیلیکون بهره می گیرد.یک کابل فیبر نوري که کمتر از یک اینچ قطر دارد مـی توانـد صـدها هزار مکالمه صوتی را حمل کند. فیبرهاي نوري تجاري ظرفیت 5/2 تا 10 گیگا […]

Optical Fiber

فيبرنوري در شبكه ارتباطات زيرساخ

نوين ، تنوع خدمات پيشرفته و تقاضاي فزاينده براي اين خدمات ، لزوم استفاده بهينه از منابع مالي و انساني و گسترش روز افزون بازار رقابت ، موجب گرديده تا نگرش به صنعت مخابرات در قياس با ساير صنايع متفاوت باشد . اين نگرش هوشمندانه مبين اين واقعيت است كه فناوري اطلاعات و ارتباطات ، […]

Optical Fiber

What is ITU-T G.654 Fiber

ITU-T Recommend G.654 fiber is a cut-off shifted single-mode optical fiber especially used for high bandwidth long distance transmission. The G. 654 fiber is a single mode optical fiber and cable which has the zero-dispersion wavelengths around 1300nm, the fiber with loss minimized and cut-off wavelength shifted at around 1550nm. the fiber standard was firstly […]

Optical Fiber

Glossaire de la fibre optique

Architecture mono-fibre : Sur la partie terminale du réseau en fibre optique, une architecture monofibre est caractérisée par une fibre unique qui relie le point de mutualisation à la prise terminale optique dans un logement. Architecture multi-fibres : Sur la partie terminale du réseau en fibre optique, une architecture multifibres est caractérisée par plusieurs fibres […]

Optical Fiber

What is the difference Among OM1, OM2, OM3, OM4 and OM5

Multimode fibers are identified by the OM (“optical mode”) designation as outlined in the ISO/IEC 11801 standard. OM1, for fiber with 200/500MHz*km overfilled launch (OFL) bandwidth at 850/1300nm (typically 62.5/125um fiber) OM2, Type A1a.1 , for fiber with 500/500MHz*km OFL bandwidth at 850/1300nm (typically 50/125um fiber) OM3, Type A1a.2, for laser-optimized 50um fiber having 2GHz*km […]

Optical Fiber

International Standards for Optical fiber

ITU-T G.651 Multimode fiber standard • In enterprise network, multimode fiber is becoming more In enterprise network, multimode fiber is becoming more popular in the horizontal cabling in the Fiber-to-the-Zone (FTTZ) architecture • Bandwidth is shifting from 1Gbps to 10Gbps, therefore shrinking the power loss budget ITU-T G.652 Standard Singlemode fiber. 4 different categories (A, […]

Optical Fiber
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